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Home  Courses  >  Introducing The Electric Guitar


A course by Guitar Hands Academy

Who is it for?

How long will it take?

How much will it cost?

Beginner guitarists here is your chance to learn the fundamentals of guitar from the start. Learn to play guitar with tools such as pdfs, backing tracks and lesson videos.

3 months of fun and forward learning with scheduled online classes along a professional mentor. Prepare intensively for the grading Exam at the end of your course.

One time fee $60

Or monthly fee $25

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From Zero to Hero in 3 Months!

Yes you read that right! Learning guitar has never been more fun and easier. This is a wild course, are you ready to tame it?

The Electric Guitar is such a versatile instrument which is at the core of many musical projects. Over the years it has been a prominent catalyst in music creative expression. 

But learning the electric guitar in a structured and progressive way has proven to be a challenge for many enthusiasts of the instrument; there's just so much to learn and it can become overwhelming.

The electric guitar is an ambassador in many music styles such as blues, pop and definitely rock music. Another speciality of electric guitar is in music production which explores its various dimensions of use, effects and amps that modify it to sound like anything - even a violin. Such a diverse instrument!


The GHA way to learning the Electric Guitar


This course, Introducing the Electric Guitar is curated for absolute beginners to unveil the instrument by diving deep into the fundamentals of electric guitar over 3 months.

Connect to the soul of the electric guitar through a personalized and structured approach where you will walk hand in hand with your tutor/mentor and various interactive tools that will have you on your way to becoming a maestro. Finally explore the electric guitar in the various musical genres such as pop and blues to make you a diverse musician.

Let's Explore what you can expect in this course below

What you can expect in this course

It's always better to ensure that your expectations are met before getting too involved right? In this section we will expose ourselves to you - talk about vulnerability...

  1. Understand the Function of the Electric Guitar

The beginning of mastery is understanding, in order to effectively utilize the electric guitar we must first understand how it works: from structural significances to guitar hacks.

It is important to understand the function of the electric guitar over the years and in modern music; the electric guitar is a composer's friend and a catalyst in creating significant musical pieces.

During this course you will get an appreciation of how the electric guitar serves as a critical component in different styles of music and how one player can successfully integrate such styles.

Finally the course Introduction To The Electric Guitar will be a foundation to exploring in depth electric guitar theory and practicalities such as strumming, chord progressions, arpeggios, rhythm and melody - all of which are essential to build the complete musician.

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   2. Fundamental Electric

       Guitar Theory

An important aspect of learning and improving a motor skill is interacting with essential theory in a strategic manner. What we need as learners is systematic knowledge in an interactive way.

We know that sifting through tons of theory is discouraging and you will definitely loose your zeal for learning. The key to this is access to legit theory that is both educating and fun.

During this course you will be guided on theories that are only crucial for guitar performance such as the guitar from paper to fretboard. Applying theory to real music is the key to creating your best art on the electric guitar.

Introduction To The Electric Guitar  involves Mentors, they are your teachers and will accompany you on your musical journey including simplifying acoustic guitar theory with fun one-on-one virtual classes that are thoroughly enjoyable yet learning-centered.

3.  Musical Ear


Believe it or not we all have a musical ear, this is our natural ability to identify aspects of songs like different instruments, melodies and rhythm, these natural abilities need a little attention and development.

Your natural musical ear means you have the potential to actually be an awesome musician. Because of the music we listen to and different musical  tastes the musical ear becomes very dynamic and well developed.

In this course we will help you navigate your musical ear to identify and utilize specific music element such as Timing, Melodic ear training, Accompaniments and Critical Listening. Dive into the nitty gritties with your mentor.

Introduction To The Electric Guitar  utilizes various tools along with AI elements to make learning realistic, progressive and traceable. Following a 3 month schedule and guided practice sessions. Buckle up and get playing.

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   4. Composing Your 

       Own Music

Ever wondered how hit songs are even made? Well a lot goes into creating a special piece including catchy melodies, and most importantly epic instrumental sections that accompany the lyrics.


It may seem like a gift for a selected few, writing and composing music. But truth be told anyone can do it - well with the right tools and guidance. Composing guitar music is one of the most rewarding musical experiences.

Your mentor for this course will guide you through composing your first acoustic guitar pieces in a fun and memorable way. Be spontaneous and absolutely creative and who knows? maybe you'll create the next greatest hit.

Introduction To The Electric Guitar  is all about discovering your creativity. It's surely there waiting eagerly to be revealed to the world in the most explosive way possible. Get ready to share your colors with the world. You are a superstar after all.

5.  Build Intrinsic

     Performance Dynamics

Now that you've composed your beautiful music it's time to share it with the world! But before we do that there are a few rules we must follow to the t. It's nothing too complex, just making sure you stand out and engage well with your listeners.

At first you'll probably be a little shy, that's normal; but the good news is  that it gets better the more you play in public. Imagine what kind of performer you want to be and continuously work towards that goal - progress.

In this course your mentor will be your first audience. They will teach you the dynamics of performing including body language, stage presence and much more.

Introduction To The Electric Guitar  involves music presentation through practical exams and online performances. You will be equipped with the necessary tools to ensure highest levels of audience awareness and a few hacks to make your live playing exceptional.

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   6. Build Solid

       Practice Habits

Not only does practice make perfect; how you practice affects the progress you will make including the time it will take to master techniques. The more you use smart practice the less time it will take to get better at the acoustic guitar.

Learning the electric guitar requires continuous practice over an extended period of time. Practice just cannot be avoided. But no one said it has to be dreadful or stressful - it can be fun as you discover yourself and your guitar

Ever heard of guided practice? Well basically you never have to practice guitar by yourself ever again with resources like your personal guide and scheduled rehearsals.

We at GHA know that practicing is not so intriguing, we've all been there; trying to learn the guitar. So in this course we have made it our goal to make practice as fun, short and effective as possible so you never get overwhelmed.

7.  Different Ways to Express

     Yourself with the Electric Guitar

As you already know the Electric Guitar is a versatile instrument, just see how different players across different music styles use the guitar to effectively express their abilities. All the epic solos that inspire and move the world.

Now you can also take part in a meaningful guitar expression through this thorough course that fosters creativity across multiple musical styles, discover your guitar language.

In this course you will learn different ways to express on the guitar using various techniques such as scales, tabs and so much more. Learn all you can and watch your musical fluency shape up!

Introduction To The Electric Guitar  involves music presentation through soloing an improvisation through online performances. Play along with different virtual techniques and challenge your speed.


Our Secret

Hush. We already told you we're exposing ourselves to you in this course. Can you keep a secret?

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We have a team of international tutors known as Mentors from all around the world, so it is likely that your mentor will be from across the globe. 

So what's so special about that you may ask? 

Having a global teaching staff ensures that our students have an international experience and learn how the acoustic guitar is interpreted and played on a global stage, ever heard of pen pals? Yeah it's something like that.

A glimpse into your course

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Introducing The Electric Guitar is the course for mastering the basics of playing electric guitar; an introduction to the instrument as you aim to explore other more in-depth electric guitar courses from Guitar Hands Academy.

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Once you begin this course you become part of our musical family, that means a Mentor for you, your own personal tutor and biggest fan!

Course Inclusions

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To enroll in this course select one of the following payment plans

Or monthly fee $25

20 live virtual lessons with your international mentor (strictly English)

20 in depth lesson documents for each online class

20+ videos accompanying class documents

BONUS state of the art student interface (your personal portal)

Access to the End of course theory and practical exams

One time fee $60

Electric Guitar

In Conclusion

Learning and playing the electric guitar is definitely a new experience filled with commitment and discipline. But once mastered it is a skill that cannot be taken away.


The Electric is a friend for life and will definitely see you through days of highs and lows.


Here at Guitar Hands Academy we desire to watch you mature into the best musician you can be, for yourself and for those you love.

And after you master the guitar, stay in touch - we really would appreciate that.

Other Courses

Introducing the Acoustic Guitar  |  Learn Fingerpicking  |  Electric Guitar Soloing

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